commiting random kindess and senseless acts of beauty.... CRAZY.COLOUR.CHARISMA.CREATIVITY.
Bodypainting I did for a shoot in South London... a mix between bodyart, lingerie, and graffiti ;)
Bodypainting I did for the COSMO Jeans Fashion show 2011 at Trinity club in Cape Town...
Zula Sound Bar on long street opening a new bigger better venue quite soon! Been doing some of the art and design work for it... some pics of the progress...
Vaudeville theatre is back in action.. and so am I and all the performers.. I love this job! here's some pics of the new show!
These are two friends of mine Liz and Zoe who 'embraced the belly' and decided to get painted with preggie bellys... beautiful friends, beautiful models, and beautiful pics... thanks girls, and a special thanks to the other 'little models' in the pics too!